Question: How long will it take for my order to reach me?


Answer: Our products are brought from abroad, upon order. Therefore, delivery times may vary. We guarantee that any order will reach you within twenty days at the latest, otherwise we will refund your money.


❕However, we kindly ask you to place your order assuming that it may take an average of two weeks to deliver. ❕


Please refer to our Shipping and Delivery page for detailed information.



Question: Under what conditions can I return a product I purchased?


Answer: If you have any problems with your product, you can contact us immediately. Regardless of your complaint, we will refund your money unconditionally and without delay.



Question: I did not like the product I purchased, but my refund request was not accepted, what should I do in this case?


Answer: Such a thing is not possible. Unconditional refund is one of the basic mottos of our business. If you encounter such a situation, you can reach us via our support line e-mail address.


Question: I love your store! Can I work with you guys?


Answer: YES! We are a small company, and as such, we’re always looking for new people to work with. We currently do not hire full-time, but if you’re interested in a part-time side-hustle that is fun and rewarding, please do send us a message!